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Artist Name
Born Date
November 3, 1995
Birth Place
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Year activate

D!llon  Biography

D!llon is a 25 year old Genre Blending Artist/Songwriter who makes absolute vibes.
Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma but raised and grew up in Dallas TX,
D!llon found his passion for music at an early age starting very young and ghost writing for other artists. It wasn’t long before he transitioned into writing his own music and creating vibes for the century.
Emotion driven, he really puts his everything into his music and that is the exact reason every song has a complete feel and vibe to it.

D!llon makes music people can cry too, dance too, make love too, and turn up too.
Stage by stage, song by song, he continues to prove just why he belongs here and continues to elevate and impress with every new drop.
Regardless of any situation D!llon will never stop making music and giving his fans that powerful connection of relative lyrics and catchy songs and giving the people just exactly what they wanted or needed to hear.

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